“No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side.” 26 days of hospitalisation. Battle with the deadly virus and the inner…

How can people have so much confidence without knowing anything?

IGNORANCE: There are people who have no idea what all it takes to gain the tremendous amount of knowledge in that particular subject. They hear about it from some place and they think that is all they need to know. With that incomplete information they convince themselves to be suffice . They dont know what…

How to live in the moment?

You have 3 choices Dwell in the past Live in the moment Fantasize about the future You need to realize the 2nd option is the best How? No matter how many times you rewind and play the incidents that have occured and the mistakes you have made, what do you get out of it? Regrets….

How to do something you don’t like but u have to?

First of all remove this idea from your mind that you don’t like it. It will never let you be at peace If there is no way out and you have to do it anyhow, why not do it with some fun There is something good about everything. There might be many around u who…

Returns from the wrong investment

When you invest your everything-time, love, energy, patience, resources and whatever you have into something,maybe a person, a project, an exam, a relationship and you end up gaining nothing, what do you do? You have given so much input and the output comes 0, how do you react? It feels like u lost it, u…